637 E. Albertoni St, Suite 109, Carson CA 90746



Lifecycle Services

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We Align IT

At Life and Times Network, we visualize our customer lifecycle by seeing the experience from the customer’s point of view. We consider our Lifecycle and Customer Success practice a key differentiator that makes Life and Times Network the best choice for our customers. Our Lifecycle and Customer Success practice is critical to ensure that we are engaging throughout the customer lifecycle starting from the discovery stage to the renewal stage. Our approach is to lead by focusing on achieving our customers’ expected business outcomes. Throughout this process, we identify gaps, overcome potential barriers to success, and drive adoption. This approach, combined with our expanded Professional Services, Managed IT Services, and Maintenance Services offerings, allows us to support our customers throughout each stage in their journey.

The shift to subscription-based products and software-as-a-service (SaaS) model can provide compelling advantages for many organizations, such as lower initial costs, reduced time to benefit, scalability and integration, and access to latest features. However, you may not know how the deployment, adoption, and follow on use of these new models deliver the agreed upon outcome and the utility you expect from them.

When you partner with Life and Times Network’s Customer Success Team, you can be certain that you extract tangible business value from your investment in technology. We employ business and technical acumen to ensure that our customers attain their desired business outcomes, realizing the full value of technological investments throughout the lifecycle of the customer journey.


Life and Times Network’s Customer Success Manager (CSM) guarantees that you have access to the resources and assistance necessary to accomplish your objectives and attain the full potential of your investments:
● Developing personalized Customer Success Plans to enhance usage and optimize the application of software entitlements.
● Aligning software and consumption with business processes.
● Identifying KPIs that measure achievement of business outcomes.
During the entire customer engagement process, the Customer Success Team at Life and Times Network maintains ongoing communication with your organization at consistent intervals.

We understand the importance of approaching each work integrally and believe in the power of simple.

Carson CA 90746
(9am - 5pm)